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The LevelUp! Program is tailored for students and young adults interested in a launching a successful career in hospitality.  


What makes this program different?


In addition to the opportunity for mentorship and learning through work, LevelUp participants will receive weekly paid professional development to LevelUP their employability skills (like communication and problem-solving), learn about financial literacy, and explore strengths and goals.


What is the time commitment?


The program will run approximately from June 1st to August 30th.  Hospitality is an industry that operates 24/7, so working evenings, early mornings and weekends should be expected.


There are opportunities to continue in the fall with a flexible schedule. Paid training will begin in the last week of May. 


Is this a full time or part time program?


There are options for both par- time and full-time work.  Schedules and work hours are flexible, and according to the position. We will learn more about your availability during the interview process, so think about when you could work in advance.


What is the age requirement?


Age requirements vary by resort. There are LevelUP opportunities for participants 16 years old and up.


If I have a planned vacation, can I still participate in the program?


Yes, if it’s less than two weeks; please inform us of your summer plans during the interview process. This will not impact your selection for the program, but we need to know in advance for scheduling.


Is this a paid program?


Yes!  The LevelUP intern rate is $15/hour (with a few variations).


Is transportation available to each hotel?


Unfortunately, not currently. You may qualify for transportation assistance from HelpNM if you qualify for their summer jobs program. We are working on details for this support.


Can I stay on after the summer program ends?


Yes, absolutely! We will have full and part-time positions in the fall.


Are uniforms required/provided?


Uniforms will be provided if they are required.


What certification can I earn?


Participants working in Food and Beverage can earn a SafeServe certificate. Additional certifications can be earned for those that continue with the LevelUP program (including a certificate in Hospitality Management).


How can I learn more?


Attend the LevelUp Event at 10 am on April 23rd at La Fonda or visit


When are the interviews?


The first round of interviews will happen at the event. There will be another 1st round of interviews for those who cannot make the event. Selected participants will then be invited to a final interview at one of the hotel properties.

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